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- So You Want to Be a Doctor
- Lessons in Leadership
- Writing for College & Beyond
- Exploring Engineering
- Storytelling in the Digital Age
- DNA Science
- Anatomy, Physiology & Disease
- Developing Young Entrepreneurs
Are you considering a career in the health professions?
- Get a solid foundation in human anatomy
- Virtual medicine is a growing practice; experience a virtual anatomy lab
- Conduct interviews with specialists in each area studied
Learn how the body actually works:
- Explore both normal and pathologic anatomy and physiology
- Study some of the most common causes of disease
- Apply what you learn to become a better steward of your own body
Build your skills and prepare for success:
- Get a leg up on your college anatomy classes
- Study six systems of the body in depth
- Learn how to test, diagnose, and treat virtual patients
If you are someone other than a Student or Parent
(i.e. Guidance Counselor, Teacher, Coach, etc), click here.
Parents, do you have any questions?
Or Contact our Enrollment Advisor Today
(877) 779-8965 -
What Students Are Saying
I really loved how I received responses to the papers I sent in. Whether it was constructive criticism or just a heartfelt understanding, I felt like the responses were well-thought and caring
The discussion forums were extremely helpful. It was a great way to stay connected.
What Students Are Saying
The program was full of information and had a lot of examples.
I learned so much about human anatomy
Next Session: Summer 2013
Have Any Questions?
Contact our enrollment advisors today
(877) 779-8965 OR -
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