
Is a career in engineering right for you?

  • Find out how engineers make our world a better place
  • Explore three very different fields in engineering: materials engineering, biomedical engineering, and renewable energy
  • Listen to video interviews with a wide array of engineers  to understand what they do, and how they think

Experience the study of engineering and do real world problem-solving:

  • What role can engineers play in developing renewable energy sources?
  • Discover how engineers help address the national shortage of organs for transplantation
  • Use materials engineering to develop the materials to create an elevator to the moon

Build your skills and prepare for success:

  • Sharpen the study skills you need to succeed in any engineering school
  • Interpret data and use mathematics and science to solve complex engineering problems
  • Practice effective communication and problem solving while learning how to work in teams

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Guidance Counselor, Teacher, Coach, etc), click here.