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- So You Want to Be a Doctor
- Lessons in Leadership
- Writing for College & Beyond
- Exploring Engineering
- Storytelling in the Digital Age
- DNA Science
- Anatomy, Physiology & Disease
- Developing Young Entrepreneurs
Is a career in engineering right for you?
- Find out how engineers make our world a better place
- Explore three very different fields in engineering: materials engineering, biomedical engineering, and renewable energy
- Listen to video interviews with a wide array of engineers to understand what they do, and how they think
Experience the study of engineering and do real world problem-solving:
- What role can engineers play in developing renewable energy sources?
- Discover how engineers help address the national shortage of organs for transplantation
- Use materials engineering to develop the materials to create an elevator to the moon
Build your skills and prepare for success:
- Sharpen the study skills you need to succeed in any engineering school
- Interpret data and use mathematics and science to solve complex engineering problems
- Practice effective communication and problem solving while learning how to work in teams
If you are someone other than a Student or Parent
(i.e. Guidance Counselor, Teacher, Coach, etc), click here.
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Or Contact our Enrollment Advisor Today
(877) 779-8965 -
What Students Are Saying
I liked the assignments that challenged me and made me think outside the box
It opened my eyes and made me discover new careers that would match my personality.
What Students Are Saying
I liked the assignments that challenged me and made me think outside the box
I could do this course from home and according to my own schedule.
Next Session: Summer 2013
Have Any Questions?
Contact our enrollment advisors today
(877) 779-8965 OR -
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