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- Developing Young Entrepreneurs
Course Objectives
- Identify and practice key characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. (Seeking an opportunity)
- Use efficient and discerning information gathering techniques to research entrepreneurial opportunities. (Gathering details)
- Practice effective decision-making while defining entrepreneurial opportunities while working as a team. (Analyzing data)
- Build persuasive skills to present your business case. (Making the pitch)
Entrepreneurship is innovation in practice. An entrepreneur seeks out ideas and then transforms them, through a calculated process, into commercial realities. Ideas for new ventures abound. It is an individual’s creativity and the passion to innovate that helps build viable, sustainable, competitive ventures. Throughout this course, you will develop skills vital to seeing the world with an opportunity-seeking mindset, which is of intense practical value both in school and in the workplace. Each module reflects the progression of a typical entrepreneurial process that is grounded on a systematic method for identifying real entrepreneurial opportunities. You will develop both a personal and team ideas portfolio that can be harnessed for the final project or beyond the course. Ultimately, you and your team will craft an elevator pitch and present a properly researched business case for a viable opportunity.
Course Outline by Module:
- Module 1: Creating an Opportunity
- Module 2: Researching the Opportunity
- Module 3: Building the Opportunity
- Module 4: Pitching the Idea
Course duration and weekly assignments: Fall, Spring, and Summer pre-college courses are 4 weeks long, and require approximately 5 hours per week to complete coursework and assignments.
Prerequisites: None
Additional Course Books and Supplies: No additional books are required for this course.
Technical requirements for this online course:
- Computer with an internet connection
- Internet access
- Internet browser
- Headphones or speakers
- Microphone
- Valid and active Brown ID (you will receive these credentials upon registering for the course)-
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What Students Are Saying
I could do this course from home and according to my own schedule.
I got to put my own opinions into the topic and even learn about the same subject through another person’s eyes.
What Students Are Saying
I liked the group projects! Doing all of the field work and putting the project together.
Next Session: Summer 2013
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