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- So You Want to Be a Doctor
- Lessons in Leadership
- Writing for College & Beyond
- Exploring Engineering
- Storytelling in the Digital Age
- DNA Science
- Anatomy, Physiology & Disease
- Developing Young Entrepreneurs
Are you ready to start writing the way college students write?
- Challenge yourself intellectually and creatively.
- Explore writing as a form of inquiry, and a part of a social conversation.
- Read and reflect on the work of expert writers and the lessons they share about approaches to writing.
Learn to write lively, informative essays.
- Think carefully about reading and writing narrative prose and expository prose.
- Practice speaking from a distinct voice.
- Understand the structural components of prose and how meaning unfolds.
Prepare for the college application process and for success in college.
- Develop a clearer, more confident approach to writing.
- Use the drafting, peer review, and revision processes required of college writers.
- Explore the challenges and successes of college writers through video interviews.
If you are someone other than a Student or Parent
(i.e. Guidance Counselor, Teacher, Coach, etc), click here.
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What Students Are Saying
Professor Smith was terrific, very accessible!
I liked the assignments that challenged me and made me think outside the box
What Students Are Saying
It opened my eyes and made me discover new careers that would match my personality.
Next Session: Summer 2013
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(877) 779-8965 OR -
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