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- So You Want to Be a Doctor
- Lessons in Leadership
- Writing for College & Beyond
- Exploring Engineering
- Storytelling in the Digital Age
- DNA Science
- Anatomy, Physiology & Disease
- Developing Young Entrepreneurs
In 2008, Nicholas Carr asked everyone on the internet, “Is Google making us stupid?” The answer seems to be yes, and no. The immediate availability of boundless stores of information gives us all a crutch to lean on when we need quick answers; if you have a smartphone in your pocket, you are a walking encyclopedia. But only so much information will fit on a smartphone screen, and our collective attention spans have shrunken to the point where I’m lucky if you’re still reading this. 96% of all clicks on Google search results go to the first 10 listings.
This course will give you an opportunity to both understand and participate in new forms of storytelling that are emerging in our digital media world. We will re-learn the art of creative self-expression in ways that both respect tried-and-true dimensions of narratology, and respond to our new, fast-paced ways of interacting with content online. We will learn from and dissect the films, stories, and interactive sites created by today’s leading digital media producers, and we will put these lessons to use as you create engaging, self-expressive narratives of your own. Learn craft, process, and how to use digital media to tell the stories that matter most to you.
Communicate effectively for our digital world
- Develop your unique voice and express your ideas using writing, sound, and images
- Learn a process for creating, developing, reviewing, and revising ideas that will help you succeed in college and beyond
- Develop your writing skills across essay genres, from expository to personal, and practice selecting a topic, shaping a subject, and writing with purpose
- Receive input on your work from Brown University faculty and your peers
Explore the creative potential of digital storytelling
- Deepen your understanding of technical and aesthetic approaches to designing video narratives
- Learn how to “read” a multimedia text closely and critically
- Practice creative and critical thinking as you review your peers’ work and receive feedback from them
- Learn how to act as a productive member of a creative community
Produce an autobiographical video to tell your own story
- Transform a written personal statement into a mixed media narrative using an array of both traditional and digital media
- Create a video project that you can use in the process of college admissions
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(i.e. Guidance Counselor, Teacher, Coach, etc), click here.
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What Students Are Saying
Discussions were very interesting to follow, and I could not have thought of a better way to meet my classmates.
The TA's are great, they seem to really love what they do.
What Students Are Saying
I was able to learn from the lectures in the comfort of my own home and to have the opportunity to watch them again at any time.
Next Session: Summer 2013
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Summer session begins
July 10th, 2013 -
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(877) 779-8965 OR -
Watch: Storytelling In the Digital Age by student producer Molly
Meet the Faculty