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- So You Want to Be a Doctor
- Lessons in Leadership
- Writing for College & Beyond
- Exploring Engineering
- Storytelling in the Digital Age
- DNA Science
- Anatomy, Physiology & Disease
- Developing Young Entrepreneurs
Is a career in medicine right for you?
- Attend to virtual patients, present your diagnosis and discuss with Brown University faculty and other student and pre college colleagues
- Listen to video interviews with a wide array of specialists to understand what they do, and how they think
- Preview the steps to earning your medical degree and medical license
Experience the study and practice of medicine in a whole new way:
- Explore medicine as a profession from medical ethics to the biology of disease.
- Study gross anatomy, histology, physiology, and microbiology in the virtual laboratory.
- Visit the human anatomy lab for an up close view of the brain, lungs, liver, and other structures
Build your skills and prepare for success:
- Sharpen the study skills you need to succeed in medical school
- Learn strategies for a successful medical school application
- Discover options for financing a medical education
If you are someone other than a Student or Parent
(i.e. Guidance Counselor, Teacher, Coach, etc), click here.
Parents, do you have any questions?
Or Contact our Enrollment Advisor Today
(877) 779-8965 -
What Students Are Saying
I could do this course from home and according to my own schedule.
I have seen these kinds of procedures on television shows (like House) but actually having the information and trying to deduce the illness is a much richer learning experience.
What Students Are Saying
They exposed the hard truths of medical school
It was something new, it really made me wanted to become a doctor
Next Session: Summer 2013
Have Any Questions?
Contact our enrollment advisors today
(877) 779-8965 OR -
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