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- So You Want to Be a Doctor
- Lessons in Leadership
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- Anatomy, Physiology & Disease
- Developing Young Entrepreneurs
Student’s comments upon finishing the online course:
- I definitely liked how we learned about historic leaders in the past. My World History class in freshman year slightly touched on these figures, but this course went in depth and gave valuable explanations.
- The writing assignments were really beneficial and educational as I was able to research and analyze the key leaders and their traits. This part of the course was the most challenging, yet the most enlightening.
- I liked the fact that we not only evaluated our leadership skills, but also evaluated successful leaders’ leadership skills. It was nice to see the skills we are learning be applied and effective in the real world. In addition, I enjoyed reading “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens”. It taught me a lot about myself and gave me a new and improved perspective.
- I enjoyed the fact that leadership traits that are extremely applicable today were showed through their application in ancient times
- I liked the combination of world history and leadership skills. I also liked getting real feedback from our professor, which is particularly important in a course like this where you are not really getting a grade.
- I absolutely loved the course material. It was never boring, and I always found it to be very informative. In addition, I feel like I have learned so many things that will help me become a very successful leader.
- I liked getting to read Xenophon’s Cyrus the Great.
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens was a pleasant surprise. I would have never gotten that book, but because this course required it, I can now fix all of the problems in my life. I also really liked the book about Cyrus’s leadership policies.
- I liked the reading that went along with each leader because it helped me further understand that leader and also gave a viewpoint that was slightly different than the ones given on the website.
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(877) 779-8965Spring course dates now available.
How It Works
Click the play button to view a brief presentation explaining the basics of a Brown online program.
What Students Are Saying
I thought the wide range of topics covered was great.
I was able to learn from the lectures in the comfort of my own home and to have the opportunity to watch them again at any time.
What Students Are Saying
I liked getting to read Xenophon's Cyrus the Great.
I liked the web-based learning modules and how concisely and effectively they covered the topics.
Next Session: Spring 2013
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